Will people from Hyderabad be interested in paid interactive sessions by Gopal Kavalireddi, on topics related to investing in stocks and mutual funds?
Written on 3rd Nov, 2017
During childhood, I had a habit of playing with numbers. I add, subtract, divide and multiple the numbers on the number plate of a vehicle, trying to form a pattern, to remember each number plate and associate it with the color of the car.
I love numbers, for the fact that, though they are only 10 (0 included, it has value based on the position), they actually indicate the cost of anything, but not the worth or the value.
So here’s some numbers for fun !!!
Rs. 8826, The cost of a round trip ticket between Hyderabad - Ahmedabad,

Rs. 20,350, amount gained today in the highlighted stocks in The List
Rs. 144,555, amount gained in 3 weeks (Oct 12-Nov 3) in the same portfolio, translating to Rs. 9637 per day or Rs. 1606 per hour (only 15 trading days in 3 weeks & only 6 trading hours per day) - which I had highlighted for FREE.

Just incase, if you don’t believe you can see today’s prices of the 26 stocks.

Rs. 100-125 per hour is what an average maid gets paid to do house work.
Rs. 150[1], not including tip & travel, cost of a coffee at any average/regular hotel.
Rs. 200 per hour, is what a day care charges for 3 hours to keep your kid.
Rs. 277 per day, is what an unskilled laborer gets in Haryana as per MNREGA scheme (http://nrega.nic.in/netnrega/wri...)
Rs. 83 per person per hour. That is what someone from Gujarat suggested for the session. Got to love the economics of it and learn value extraction/bargain buying from him.
This is the value assigned to serious learning in India. I can empathize with the teachers & teaching as a profession in India, while understanding the reasons why people trust others who give tips on whatsapp/email more easily.
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